The Tyagaraja Aaradhana – A Unique Musical Tribute

Posted on Trivia – The Spice of Life on 15/01/2023 [ Here’s wishing all the readers a very Happy Sankranti!] Tyagaraja Image courtesy : Those who are familiar with Carnatic music are sure to know about the Tyagaraja Aaradhana – an annual commemoration of the poet saint Tyagaraja – which is usually held inContinue reading “The Tyagaraja Aaradhana – A Unique Musical Tribute”

When you like them Stiff

Posted on Trivia – The Spice of Life on 25/02/2022 For many a good thing in life, you need to invest your time and pour your sweat. It is only then that apart from the personal touch, there is satisfaction of having achieved the best. The task at hand could in fact be very mundane.Continue reading “When you like them Stiff

The Perfect Potboiler

Just like looks can be deceptive, so can captions. From the caption, you must have inferred that this post is a review of some run-of-the-mill movie. Well, this post is not a film review. In order to understand the post you would have to take the title at its face value. What this post isContinue reading “The Perfect Potboiler

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