Book Review : P.K.Nair’s Yesterday’s Films For Tomorrow

Posted on Trivia – The Spice of Life on 18/09/2022 My curiosity about Paramesh Krishanan Nair was piqued after I read an interview of his about How the staircase played a starring role in Indian cinema which helped me in writing my post on Songs of Stairs some time ago. The interview was very impressive;Continue reading “Book Review : P.K.Nair’s Yesterday’s Films For Tomorrow

Songs of  Age

Posted on 25/09/2021 by Trivia – The Spice of Life Many believe that age is just a number. Abraham Lincoln said, “And in the end it’s not the years in your life that count; it’s the life in your years.” Pondering over these thoughts, I felt there was potential to come up with a postContinue reading “Songs of  Age

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